Baron & Budd Pauses to Remember Veterans Who Fought an Unexpected Foe – Mesothelioma

November 11, 2015  |  Mesothelioma

As another Veterans Day comes around, the national law firm of Baron & Budd asks you to not only remember all the men and women who served their country, but also those who had to deal with another enemy they never thought they’d have to fight – mesothelioma. This horrible disease has claimed thousands of enlisted personnel over the decades, and many vets and their families still have to deal with it to this day.

Vets Didn’t Sign Up for This

When someone serves in the military, he or she knows the score – there is always a chance of serving during an armed conflict and being severely injured or killed. It’s simply a part of the deal, and everyone who serves accepts it.

What is unacceptable, however, is the fact that thousands and thousands of vets developed mesothelioma through no fault of their own, and through no fault of the branch of the military in which they served. They were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time, breathing in deadly asbestos fibers – likely without even knowing it.

Whether a person served on a Navy submarine, helped build or maintain an Air Force fighter jet or simply stayed in an Army barracks, risk of asbestos exposure was incredibly high. When asbestos fibers become airborne, they can be easily inhaled or ingested. They can sit in a body for years, doing subtle, gradual damage. Mesothelioma is extremely difficult to diagnose because its symptoms often mimic those of much less serious health issues. In far too many cases, once a diagnosis is made it is too late to save the patient.

How We Can Help

At Baron & Budd, we have fought asbestos companies for years, fighting to protect the rights of vets and others who have fallen victim to mesothelioma. We never sue the military; instead, we take action against asbestos manufacturers and others responsible for the spread of this deadly material.

We may be able to help if you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. Call 855-280-7664 or contact us online to learn more about your potential legal options.

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