Baron & Budd Announces Fall 2022 Mesothelioma Cancer Victims Memorial Scholarship Winners
Scholarship winners Isabella Toth and Soraya Chinloy share their personal battles with...
READ MOREYou never saw any of that profit, of course. Instead, decades after you were exposed to asbestos, you were the victim of asbestos’ nasty outcome: mesothelioma or asbestos-related lung cancer. And the people who made those products, the ones who made the decision to put you in danger in the first place? More often than not the “men in suits” never came in contact with asbestos.
No, this isn’t a movie, it’s the reality of mesothelioma and asbestos exposure, and it’s enough to make even the nicest, please-and-thank you, good-natured person get red hot angry. And that’s okay. Because you should be angry.
We talk a lot on our website about the negligence behind the actions that put you in harm’s way and about what you can do to hold these corporations accountable for their actions through a mesothelioma lawsuit.
But for a minute, let’s talk about you. Let’s talk about you and your family and how a mesothelioma lawsuit can help — yes, we’re saying it — help you.
First: here’s a taste of what a mesothelioma diagnosis means for those who are just getting acquainted with the disease and its treatment process. Exorbitant medical bills — check. Health complications that may get in the way of continuing your job — check. A burden of stress, big decisions and weeding through complicated medical mumbo jumbo for your family — check.
A nightmare? — yes, check for that, too.
But here is one of the big “Rights of Passage for Mesothelioma” that you and your family actually do not have to put up with:
Just taking it. Surrender.
In addition to the lofty ideal of holding the guys in suits accountable, filing a mesothelioma lawsuit could bring your family significant financial help when you need it.
That’s money you could use to pay those medical bills and replace the losses you took when you or your family members were unable to continue working.
Sure, money is not the answer.
But when it comes to a hard-hitting mesothelioma diagnosis, let’s be honest, money is a big part of the solution, a source of assistance that could take you and your family from impossible to we can do this.
You will never be able to go back in time and stop your exposure to asbestos. But what you can do is make sure that you and your family hold the companies that put you in danger accountable by hitting them where it all started in the first place: their pocketbooks.
A lawsuit is the way to fight back. And, although not every lawsuit results in compensation, it is the most effective way to make your voice heard.
Don’t surrender.
The mesothelioma law firm of Baron and Budd has been protecting the rights of asbestos patients for over 35 years. We believe in helping those who were harmed by asbestos and that, from one family to the next, we can make a difference for people affected by asbestos in the United States. If you or someone you love has mesothelioma, we want to help you. Please contact us here or give us a call at 855-280-7664. All calls are free and confidential.