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READ MOREBaron and Budd is Honored to be a 2013 Platinum-Level Sponsor of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization
DALLAS (December 3, 2012) –The national mesothelioma law firm of Baron and Budd is honored to be a 2013 platinum-level sponsor of the Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization’s (ADAO) Ninth Annual International Asbestos Awareness Conference. The conference will be March 22-24 in Washington, D.C. Titled “The Asbestos Crisis: New Trends in Prevention and Treatment,” ADAO’s annual conference brings together leading mesothelioma physicians, asbestos advocates, mesothelioma patients and caregivers to help raise public awareness about the dangers of asbestos, pursue medical advancements to find a cure for mesothelioma and advocate for a global ban on asbestos use.
“We are just thrilled that Baron and Budd is supporting us again this year as a 2013 platinum-level sponsor,” said Linda Reinstein, mesothelioma widow and co-founder of ADAO. “Thanks to the firm’s generous contribution, ADAO can continue its mission of battling the root of mesothelioma: asbestos. It’s because of firms like Baron and Budd that ADAO is able to take the fight against asbestos to Washington and be the voice of asbestos victims.”
Topics discussed at the conference will include the latest advancements in diagnosing and treating asbestos diseases, particularly mesothelioma, preventing exposure to asbestos in the home and workplace, resources for mesothelioma patients and their families, and the importance of global advocacy.
“As a law firm that works closely with mesothelioma patients on a daily basis, we know how important ADAO’s work is,” said Russell Budd, president and managing shareholder of Baron and Budd. “ADAO CEO/co-founder Linda Reinstein works tirelessly on behalf of countless mesothelioma patients and families to help them find support and create a unified voice in the global battle against asbestos.”
ADAO’s Ninth Annual International Asbestos Awareness Conference will be held March 22-24 at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, Va. To learn more or to register for the conference, visit the ADAO website.
Founded in 2004, ADAO is one of the largest independent non-profit organizations in the U.S. One of the organization’s core goals is to fight for a global ban on asbestos as well as educate the public about asbestos and provide community and support for patients and families. ADAO retains an active presence in Washington, D.C., including strong connections to key lawmakers.
One of the first law firms in the nation to file a mesothelioma lawsuit, Baron and Budd has been dedicated to protecting the rights of mesothelioma patients for 35 years. In addition to supporting ADAO, Baron and Budd also underwrote the printing and distribution of two books about mesothelioma: the NCCN Patient Guidelines for Mesothelioma from the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) and Understanding Mesothelioma from CURE media group.
The national mesothelioma law firm of Baron & Budd, P.C. has a more than 30-year history of “Protecting What’s Right” for asbestos sufferers and their families. As one of the first law firms to successfully litigate an asbestos lawsuit, Baron & Budd continues to actively represent veterans, industry workers and others who are suffering as a result of exposure to asbestos. Baron & Budd achieved the largest mesothelioma verdict ever in the state of Texas, a $55 million verdict for an asbestos sufferer and his family in El Paso, Texas. Contact Baron and Budd at 1.866.855.1229 for additional information on mesothelioma treatments, mesothelioma cancer doctors and treatment centers, and mesothelioma attorneys.