Mesothelioma patients and their families frequently worry that filing a mesothelioma lawsuit will cost hundreds thousands of dollars and may avoid pursuing a case because of this fear.
Our mesothelioma lawyers handle all mesothelioma lawsuits on a contingency fee basis, meaning that you do not pay anything up front and that we handle all of the costs needed to handle your lawsuit through completion. We only get paid if and when we achieve a positive result for you as part of the contingency fee agreement. This contingency fee is an agreed-upon percentage of the total result of the lawsuit, obtained either through a settlement, verdict or asbestos bankruptcy trust claim. By operating under this system, anyone has the opportunity to pursue justice from the asbestos companies responsible for their mesothelioma, regardless of their financial situation. This system helps to keep the courtroom doors open to anyone in the country seeking justice for wrongdoing.
Working through your case in this way, our mesothelioma lawyers will conduct all legal proceedings and pay all legal costs incurred during the course of your lawsuit. We will pay all required filing fees, litigation costs, expert witness costs and anything else needed until your lawsuit has been completed. If we are successful in obtaining compensation for you, then we will be paid a percentage of the final amount plus all fees and expenses incurred during the process. What does this mean for clients? Check out our case results here.
Leveling the Playing Field in Mesothelioma Lawsuits
The use of the contingency fee system has a well-recognized history of giving individuals the ability to level the playing field against large companies who have caused major injustices to consumers, their employees or even the unsuspecting public. These companies have the resources to hire powerful legal teams, and without the use of contingency fees, most patients would find it impossible to pursue legal action. Our mesothelioma lawyers are honored to work under this system to better assist clients. Today contingency fees are an important way to uphold justice for every individual, regardless of social and financial status. We take pride in representing clients on a contingency fee basis.