Semi-Truck Accident Injures 3 Near Downtown Dallas

August 31, 2016  |  Serious Accidents

Another day, another trucking accident. Thankfully, this one did not cost any lives.

This one occurred near downtown Dallas on June 19 when two semi trucks and an SUV collided on Interstate 30. Two children and their father were injured and the eastbound lanes were shut down for several hours. The front of the SUV was wedged underneath one of the trucks, making it a near miracle that no one in the vehicle was killed.

Common Causes of Trucking Accidents

Just about all truck drivers are under intense pressure to meet deadlines to move their loads. In far too many instances, the companies that own big rigs will place unrealistic expectations on drivers in order to please their customers. As a result, drivers stretch – and often exceed – their limits, often leading to disastrous results.

These are only some of the more common reasons that trucking accidents occur.

  • Excess speed – Because of the pressure to meet deadlines, truck drivers will often drive at unsafe speeds. This, of course, leads to accidents. To make matters even worse, many drivers are paid by the mile. This gives them even more incentive to drive faster so they can cover as many miles as possible each day.
  • Fatigue – Driver fatigue is another leading cause of trucking accidents, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration. Studies show that when someone gets behind the wheel without enough sleep, the results are similar to driving while drunk.
  • Distractions – Truck drivers are like everyone else. They want to stay in touch with their friends and family and will use whatever technology is on hand to do so. Texting and talking while driving is as big a problem for truck drivers as it is drivers of passenger vehicles.
Baron & Budd may be able to help if you or someone you love has suffered harm due to a trucking accident. Please give us a call at 866-236-9479 or complete our contact form to learn more.

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