Baron & Budd, Gomez Trial Attorneys Team to Represent San Luis Obispo, CA Families in Fight Against TCE Contamination

January 6, 2016  |  Environmental

Baron & Budd and the law firm of Gomez Trial Attorneys have joined together to represent several families in San Luis Obispo, CA whose drinking water wells have been contaminated with trichloroethylene, or TCE. This dangerous chemical has been found at levels up to 12 times higher than allowed by state standards.

Symptoms of Exposure

TCE is a toxic chemical that is typically used as a solvent in several industries, including manufacturing. If ingested or inhaled in any way, or if it comes into contact with the skin, TCE can have several harmful side effects. These include:

[checklist icon=”fa-angle-right”]

  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Clumsiness
  • Nausea
  • Headache


If these symptoms sound similar to being drunk, that is exactly what many experts say TCE exposure is like. While the effects of short-term exposure typically clear up a few hours later, significant exposure can result in stronger effects that not only occur more quickly, but last longer as well. Extremely high levels of exposure can cause fainting, breathing problems and even death.

How Did This Happen?

The source of the TCE contamination is currently under investigation. However, one possible culprit identified by the California Regional Water Quality Control Board is the San Luis Obispo County Airport, as well as its various airplane and airline operations.

Experience in TCE Cases

Baron & Budd has been at the forefront of TCE litigation for decades. Our Environmental Group represented residents of Tucson, AZ in a similar case that is widely recognized as one of the most important of its kind in U.S. history. The case stretched more than 20 years but helped eventually define Arizona’s pollution coverage laws. Our firm was awarded the 2006 Trial Lawyer of the Year Award by the Trial Lawyers for Public Justice in recognition of the work we did on this case.

If you are a resident of San Luis Obispo living near the airport and have reason to believe your drinking water has been contaminated with TCE, please contact Baron & Budd by completing our online form or calling 866-364-6376.

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