Happy Earth Day, Let’s Get to It: How Can Lawsuits Affect Environmental Change?

April 22, 2015  |  Environmental

In honor of Earth Day 2015, let’s take a second from our busy lives to talk about what really matters, what keeps this whole world ticking.

The particularly sarcastic among us might cite Frito-Lay (— on our worst days!), or Con Edison, but really we know better. It’s our very own Mother Earth, and increasingly, it seems as if everyone is coming around to this hard-earned fact.

Pope Francis is scheduling a summit on addressing climate change this month. The United Nations is gearing up for a big summit in Paris later this year. Everyone seems to be getting behind the “Go Green” bandwagon.

But wait right there: let’s not get ahead of ourselves! Because there is one very important question at stake— a question that is critical for every day of the year, not just Earth Day.

Question: Who is really doing what’s right for the environment — and who is just using “Green Washing” as a marketing or even political tool?

Earth Day first took off in the 1970s, helping to apply much-needed government protections to our environment through regulatory organizations like the EPA. Quickly, the day became a “good person’s” day to celebrate and advocate for all things green.

Today, it’s an important day for all of us to think about what we can do to reduce our carbon footprint and be more environmentally conscious in our purchases and other life decisions. But it’s also a time where many companies do a lot of up-talking about the environment, in place of actually taking a hard look at replacing their environmentally-destructive practices.

That’s why Baron & Budd’s Environmental Litigation Group is committed to holding corporations accountable — not just for what they say, but also for what they do.

When negligent corporations knowingly allow practices that expose our ecosystem (and therefore, ultimately, all of us) to dangerous toxins, they are doing way more harm than one individual does by driving a gas-guzzling car or forgetting to turn off the lights. (And yes, we do know that every action matters.)

Enter Baron & Budd’s Environmental Litigation Group.

This group is composed of nationally recognized environmental attorneys who are committed to holding negligent corporations accountable for environmental harms.

It was Baron & Budd’s Environmental Litigation Group that fought against atrazine water contamination, TCP water contamination and MTBE contamination. And it’s the group that is tackling the issue of PCBs in schools right now.

If you or someone you know believes you may have a potential environmental lawsuit, such as a PCBs in school lawsuit, please contact our team at 866-364-6376or contact us online to learn more.

Happy Earth Day 2015. To help those of you who would also like to become more environmentally-friendly in their everyday life, our environmental team has composed a list of the top eight eco-friendly things you can start doing today.

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