Even if You Have Insurance, a Butte Fire Lawsuit May be the Only Realistic Option

October 29, 2015  |  Environmental

If you are a homeowner and suffered losses due to the Butte Wildfire, you may think your insurance policy will cover all the damage. However, you may be sorely disappointed once you find out your policy doesn’t come close to paying for that damage. You should seriously consider filing a Butte Wildfire lawsuit against Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), which allegedly caused the blaze when a live tree touched one of its power lines. These are just a few of the reasons why.

Trees and Crops are Typically Uninsured or Underinsured

In many instances, trees and crops destroyed in a wildfire are uninsured even though they have substantial value. One of the main reasons many people live in areas such as those affected by the Butte Wildfire is the beauty that trees bring. But, according to the Insurance Information Institute, many homeowner’s policies will only pay up to 5 percent of liability for trees, shrubs, plants and lawns.

Disagreements in Value

The insurance company may place a much lower value on the damages you have sustained than the true damage to you.  Depending on the type of policy you have, you may receive only a fraction of what is fair or what you think you should get.

Recovering Out of Pocket Costs

Many homeowners in California have to purchase expensive homeowner’s policies from specialty providers because many traditional insurers no longer offer coverage for wildfires. As a result, deductibles are more expensive as well. Filing a Butte Wildfire lawsuit could help you recoup that and other costs.

A Lawsuit Could Provide Compensation for Items Excluded from Your Homeowner’s Policy

The typical homeowner’s policy may not cover certain items that are more appropriately covered under other types of policies, such as jewelry, firearms and money. Your only recourse to obtain compensation for those types of items may be filing a Butte Wildfire lawsuit.

Losses that Exceed Policy Limits

If you purchased a policy under the California Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) plan, it may not fully cover your structure and the contents within. Again, it is possible that the only way you will be compensated for all of your losses will be by filing a lawsuit.

If you would like to learn more about your potential legal options, contact Baron & Budd online or call 866-723-1890.

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