Truck Driver Loses Leg in North Carolina Trucking Accident

February 1, 2017  |  Serious Accidents

A Texas truck driver might have lost his leg, but he was able to survive a horrific trucking accident that occurred August 26 in North Carolina. He was traveling on Interstate 85 near Belmont, N.C. when he lost control of his 18-wheeler and ran down an embankment.

A Trying Time

The driver, Jackson Muysoka of Flower Mound, TX, was trapped for four agonizing hours while rescuers cut him from the wreckage. He was transporting frozen food pallets, but that was about all the rescuers were able to find out from the man. Investigators were still looking into why the accident occurred. Thankfully, no one else was hurt.

One of the rescuers was quoted as saying that extracting Muysoka was akin to stepping on an aluminum can and then trying to open it back up. The driver was taken to a nearby hospital where his leg was amputated.

Traffic was shut down for more than four hours as the rescue operation took place.

Shifting Loads Can Contribute to 18-Wheeler Accidents

While the cause of this particular crash had not yet been determined as of this writing, shifting loads can often lead to trucking accidents. In many instances, loads are not properly secured shift during transit and lead to jackknifing, rollovers and other types of accidents. This is a very preventable problem that is caused by negligence; the trucking company responsible for that negligence must be held accountable.

If you or someone close to you has suffered harm due to a trucking accident of any kind, Baron & Budd might be able to help. Please complete our contact form or give us a call at 866-236-9479 to schedule a consultation.

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